joi, 27 octombrie 2011

Cum sa Castigi un Apple iPhone 4/Xbox/PS3/iPOD/Laptop – HACK Freebiejeebies (Scroll Down For English)

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Principiul pe care functioneaza acest site este simplu:

Firmele ca Pingo platesc site-ul FreebieJeebies cu 25 de lire/client adus de la ei de pe site, un simplu calcul arata ca, daca tu aduci 25 de clienti pe site-ul asta care completeaza o oferta, impreuna faceti 26 de persoane. Matematica simpla ne spune ca 26*25= 650 lire, din care scadem 499 lire (cat costa iphone-ul). Deci 650-499= 151 lire profitul lor. Gandeste-te ca ar da numai 10 iphone-uri/zi (putin probabil). Asta inseamna un profit de 1510 lire/zi!

Simplu la prima vedere, greu si anevoios insa era drumul pana la sfarsit…

Asta pentru ca romanii in general sunt sceptici la astfel de concursuri (Hell…si eu am fost pana am vazut cu ochii mei un iphone 4 ridicat de la posta si desfacut in fata mea!), iar nu toata lumea e familizarizata cu cumparaturile ce implica un card Visa/Mastercard/American Express pe internet. Chiar daca suma este relativ mica (1$), unii se pot gandi la fraude online (datorita stirilor de pe pacatoasele antene si protv-uri). Asa ca in Romania, chiar daca ai investit acel dolar (cum am facut eu) sunt slabe sanse sa convingi pe cineva sa faca ce ti-ai propus tu initial. Prieteni in America/UK nu am asa ca eram la ultimul pas sa renunt la dolaleru’ meu si sa ma las pagubas, asta pana cand am dat peste o chestie destul de interesanta, care se numeste FreebieJeebies Generator!

Acesta este un programel dragut, care, prin introducerea datelor contului tau se conecteaza la server si adauga pe site cati refferali ai nevoie (Intre 1 si 100, valoare ce o selectezi tu)

TUTORIAL [Desi programul este relativ simplu de utilizat]:

1. Inregistrati-va neaparat de pe linkul acesta, altfel programul nu va functiona:


Cu grija insa cand completati adresa caci acolo ve-ti primi premiul. Daca o gresiti aveti sanse destul de mari sa faceti un vecin fericit :) )

2. Dupa ce v-ati inregistrat, va duceti la TAB-ul unde scrie Offers si selectati o oferta (RECOMAND CU CALDURA REBETEL, pentru 10 $ vorbiti international fix si mobil sute de minute). Acolo va inregistrati si va adaugati pe cont 10 $ sau * euro de care VA FOLOSITI, . Totul este perfect legal si sigur.


Atentie! Trebuie sa folositi acelas E-mail ca si cel de pe FreebieJeebies, altfel confirmarea nu va veni. De altfel, confirmarea dureaza circa 1-2 zile, asa ca nu va impacientati ca nu v-a aparut imediat! A doua zi veti vedea acest prompt pe tabul “Offers”:

3.Descarcati programul de aici: DOWNLOAD

4. Cititi instructiunile date in arhiva, apoi rulati programul .exe.

5. Un prompt va va aparea sa rulati programul, ii dati RUN linistit deoarece nu prezinta niciun risc, am scanat eu cu Kaspersky inainte de al deschide prima oara (Suspiciunea era mare) :D

6. Odata deschis programul, apasati NEXT si introduceti-va mailul si parola cu care v-ati inregistrat anterior pe FreebieJeebies (altfel nu va fi confirmat) si apasati “Verify”. Procesul va dura cateva secunde iar apoi puteti continua (Next)

7. Dupa ce apasati “Next” va va aparea aceasta poza, unde trebuie sa selectati cadoul selectat de asemenea in contul dv. In cazul nostru este un iPhone 4 16 GB. Mai jos completati numarul de refferali de care aveti nevoie/ maximum de refferali, apoi apasati din nou “Next”

8. Apasati inca odata “Next” si procesul de “Patch” va incepe, asteptati sa se incheie (Dureaza in jur de 1 minut)

9. In final, va va aparea urmatorul Prompt:

10.Dupa ce patch-ul a fost aplicat va trebui sa asteptati 4 ore (Dupa cum scrie si acolo) ca sa se reseteze serverul celor de la FreebieJeebies. La mine a durat in jur de 5 ore, asa ca iarasi, nu va impacientati daca nu va apare instant!

11. Dupa ce au trecut cele 4/5 ore, mergeti la tab-ul “My Status” si ve-ti vedea urmatorul lucru:

12. Apasati pe acel “Click Here“, confirmati adresa unde veti primi cadoul iar apoi asteptati circa o saptamana ca noul dumneavoastra iPhone 4/Consola/iPod sa va “bata” la usa. Eu inca il astept (Astazi am dat comanda), dar, dupa cum am spus si in primul post, un prieten cu cateva cunostiinte in America care l-au sustinut (S-au inregistrat pe bune) a primit un iPhone 4 de la ei aici in Romania!

Dovada autenticitatii FreebbiesJeebies:

How to win an Apple iPhone 4/Xbox/PS3/iPOD/Laptop – HACK Freebiejeebies

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iPhone, iPhone 4, Apple, iPod, iPad, Apple iPhone, video, 3G, Apps, Download, How to, apps, iTunes, Jailbreak, store, AT&T, download, iPhone 5, Store, 3GS

The principle that runs this site is simple:

How to win an iPhone 4

Companies that Pingo pay FreebieJeebies with 25 pounds per customer brought to them on site, a simple calculation shows that if you get 25 customers on this site that completes an offer, together make 26 people. Simple math tells us that 26 * 25 = 650 pounds, from which subtract 499 pounds (how much the iPhone). So 650-499 = 151 pounds of their profits.

Simple at first glance, but it was hard and difficult way to end ….

This is a nice little program that, by entering your account data and connecting to the server Posted refferal how many you need (between 1 and 100, a value that you select).

TUTORIAL [Although the program is relatively easy to use]

1. Will necessarily register on this link, otherwise the program will not work:


2. After you register, you go to the tab that says Offers and select an offer (I recommend LittleBidTasty because it is safer) . There will register and pay with PayPal site. Everything is perfectly legal and safe.

Warning! You must use the same e-mail like the one on FreebieJeebies otherwise confirmation will not come. Moreover, the confirmation takes about 1-2 days, so do not worry it will not appear immediately! The next day you’ll see this prompt on the tab “Offers”:

3.Download the program here: DOWNLOAD

4. Run the program. exe.

5. A prompt will appear to run the program, press RUN quiet because they do not pose a risk, I’ve scanned with Kaspersky before opening the first time (The suspicion was high) :D

5. Once you open the program, click Next and enter your email and password that you’ve previously registered FreebieJeebies (although not confirmed) and click “Verify”. The process will take several seconds and then just continue (Next)

6. After you click “Next”will appear this picture, where you select the gift also selected in your account in our case is a 16 GB iPhone 4. Below fill refferal number you need / maximum refferal, then press the “Next”

7. Click again on “Next” and the “Patch” will start, expect to finish (takes about 1 minute)

8. Finally, the following prompt will appear:

9. After the patch has been applied will have to wait 4 hours (as described and there) to reset the server from FreebieJeebies. In took me about 5 hours, so again, do not worry if you do not appear instantly!

10. After the past 4 / 5 hours, go to the tab “My Status” and you’ll see this:

11. Click on the “Click Here” confirm the address where you receive a gift and then wait about a week to your new iPhone 4/Xbox/iPod you “beat” at the door.